
  1. 9th International Conference on Critical Information Infrastructures Security, October 13-15 , 2014, Limassol, Cyprus
  2. Organized a Special Session entitled Computational Intelligence for Cognitive Fault Diagnosis for the International Joint Conference on Neural Network (IJCNN 2014), Beijing, China, July 2014.
  3. Workshop: Control and Adaptation: A 30-Year Journey
    The KIOS Research Center has honored the 60th birthday of Professor Petros Ioannou by co-organizing on the 24th June 2013 the workshop “Control and Adaptation: A 30-Year Journey”. The idea behind the adaptive control is to provide a control method able to adapt to a controlled system with parameters which vary, or are initially uncertain. The adaptive control field has grown to be one of the most well-established in terms of algorithms, design techniques and analytical tools. Event website
  4. IEEE Computational Intelligence Workshop on Grand Challenges in Computational Intelligence
Theme: Overlay by Kaira