ECE 360 - Computer Networks

Course Details

This undergraduate course covers the fundamental topics in computer networks. The objective is to provide a solid understanding of the underling concepts and issues of computer networks. During this course, we will understand the principles that drive the design on the various protocols that make up today´s networks. Special emphasis will be on the data link, networking and transport layers. In addition we will cover some more advanced material including congestion control and security.

Topics Covered

  1. The computer networking problem
  2. Direct link networks
    • Physical layer and hardware components
    • Framing, error detection, reliable transmission
    • Network configurations: Ethernet, Token ring, Wireless
  3. Packet switching
    • Circuit vs. Packet switching
    • Virtual circuit switching
    • Broadcast and multicast
  4. Network layer
    • Routing
    • The Internet
    • Multicast
  5. Transport layer and end-to-end communications
    • Reliable communications
    • Performance issues
  6. Congestion control and resource allocation (If time permits)
    • Resource allocation issues
    • TCP congestion control
    • Congestion avoidance
    • Quality of service
  • Mid term exam: 40%  (Tentative date: March 6, 2020)
  • Final exam: 60%.
  • A. Tanenbaum, “Computer Networks”, Prentice Hall, or
  • W. Stallings, “Data and Computer Communications”, Prentice-Hall.


  • L.L. Peterson and B.S. Davie, “Computer Networks: A Systems Approach”, Morgan Kaufmann.
  • J. Kurose and D. Ross, “Computer Networks. Top down approach featuring the Internet”.
  • A. L. Garcia and I. Widjaja, “Communication Networks: Fundamental Concepts and Key Architectures”.
Academic Honesty
It is acceptable to work together in small groups for study and homework. However, work that you turn in under your name must be your own. Cheating will not be tolerated; neither during homework nor during exams.
Download syllabus (PDF file): Greek Version