About the project

ARTION (Disaster Management Artificial Intelligence Knowledge Network), Jan 2021 – Jun 2022, envisions to become a world-class network for knowledge sharing in the area of artificial intelligence for disaster management that will guide the development and use of AI tools by first responders across Europe. By achieving its strategic objectives ARTION aims to bridge the gap between AI scientists and disaster management experts, build capacity and competency of first responders in the use of AI technology, share knowledge and data, and stimulate further AI research towards application-specific challenges faced throughout the disaster management cycle.

Research and innovation Activities

Reviewing existing AI tools developed/applied for prevention, preparedness and response.

Identify the datasets and the sources needed for training the AI algorithms.

Identify open research challenges and develop novel AI algorithms.

Test in the lab the inference performance of the AI algorithms, providing comparative results for different (novel and existing) AI algorithms.

Quantifiable Field Exercises

Collection of data and creation of novel, open source datasets.

Testing, and evaluating the most promising AI algorithms identified

Provide feedback for further development

Training and networking

Develop online training course to disseminate and share knowledge

Provide training and networking between stakeholders

Gather, consolidate, and assess the needs of disaster management actors, identify the most relevant data sources and distile the information that needs to be extracted and visualized from the various data streams

Open knowledge

Establish a Disaster Management AI portal

Publish sensor data and exercise scenarios (scripts)

Provide AI algorithms to the community

Provide key finding and feasibility assessment