Online Seminar: Training on AI for disaster management (Video)

This is an online seminar that was organized in the framework of ARTION and took place on the 1st of March, 2022.

The presentations were held by members of the project consortium. The aim of this workshop was to provide a concise training the introduces the world of operational use of AI tools and algorithms. The last presentation presented a method for testing such tools in the field.

More specifically, the seminar agenda consists of the following three talks:

  • Introduction to the seminar: The project ARTION and overview of the previous online seminar (by Emil Wrzosek, CIK CBK PAN)
  • Employing Artificial Intelligence in Disaster Management.
    • Part A: Introduction to AI (by Panayiotis Kolios, KIOS UCY)
    • Part B: AI in Emergency Management (by Christos Kyrkou, KIOS UCY)
  • Testing and evaluating AI technologies for disaster management (by Emil Wrzosek, CIK CBK PAN)

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