In the framework of ARTION this is the first online seminar that was organized and took place on the 22nd of February, 2022.
The event hosted four guest speakers. The first presentation presented the ITU Focus Group on AI for Natural Disaster Management (FG-AI4NDM) under the umbrella of the ITU, while the other three talks presented three interesting examples of operational use of emergency response technologies based on AI.
In particular, the seminar agenda consists of the following talks:
- Project ARTION in a nutshell: developments so far & ongoing work (by Emil Wrzosek, CIK CBK PAN)
- Keynote speech: Why UAV’s and AI make a perfect couple? (by Emil Wrzosek, CIK CBK PAN)
- The ITU Focus Group on AI for Natural Disaster Management (FG-AI4NDM) under the umbrella of ITU (by Dr. Ivanka Pelivan, Fraunhofer HHI)
- Success Story #1: Recent implementation of AI for UAV operations of polish high-mountain Search and Rescue: GOPR (by Tomasz Motyl, University of Wroclaw and Jura Group of the Mountain Volunteer Search and Rescue, Tomasz Niedzielski, Jura Group of the Mountain Volunteer Search and Rescue and SARUAV Ltd.)
- Success Story #2: Livinglab Stratumseind (by Tinus Kanters, Eindhoven City Municipality / DITSS)
- Success Story #3: Airspace Management for UAV Operations; Developments in the area of airspace management to enable drone operations during large-scale emergencies (by Jakub Ryzenko, CIK CBK PAN)
Watch at YouTube