
  • OneNet – One network for Europe
  • WiseStorage – Web-based solution for real time optimizing the operation of energy storage systems
  • Smart5GridDemonstration of 5G solutions for Smart energy Grids
  • EMPOWER Empowering the Cyprus power system with sustainable and intelligent technologies
  • PVgnosis DiaGNOSIS, maintenance, and operation of PV plants
  • ENHANCE Enhanced rooftop PV integration through kinetic storage and wide area monitoring
  • FLEXITRANSTORE An integrated platform for increased flexibility in smart transmission grids with storage entities and large penetration of renewable energy sources
  • KIOS CoE KIOS CoE and Imperial College London received a grant for developing a center of excellence in the area of intelligent systems and networks
  • 3DMicroGridDesign, Development, and Demonstration of a future-proof active smart micro-grid
  • EAC – KIOS collaborationResearch collaboration between the Electricity Authority of Cyprus and the KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence (through the KIOS Innovation Hub)
  • PV2GRIDA next generation grid side converter with advanced control and power quality capabilities