
Deliverable # Deliverable Title Deadline
A.1 Kick-off meeting minutes 2
A.2 2nd project meeting minutes 6
A.3 3rd project meeting minutes 12
A.4 Final project meeting minutes 20
A.5 Progress Report 12
B.1 Draft Standard Operating Procedures 2
B.2 Report on RPAS technology 6
B.3 Report on RPAS intra- and inter-communication 10
B.4 RPAS Standard operating procedures 18
B.5 Report on autonomous functionalities 20
C.1 Live version of Training Material 6
C.2 Scenarios and exercises report 18
C.3 RPAS module certification procedure 19
D.1 Feedback report from all exercises and real deployments 20
D.2 RPAS module assessment report 24
D.3 RPAS module maintenance and upgrade handbook 24
E.1 Website creation 2
E.2 Infographic on RPAS module 3
E.3 White paper 10
E.4 Infographic on RPAS module with details of its use 12
E.5 Scientific paper 18
E.6 Video clips RPAS module exercises 23
E.7 Layman’s report 24