Integration and Implementation Platforms


Integration & Implementation Platforms

Integration and implementation platforms include several setups and equipment that support, facilitate and implement all the research activities of the center. 

These include embedded systems, mobile communications and networking technologies, IoT platforms and IT infrastructure.

Embedded Systems Technologies

KIOS provides technologies and solutions focused on the design, development, implementation and verification of low-power, high-performance and highly reliable systems on chip, suitable for embedded and mobile environments. Moreover, these novel technologies include computer aided design, testing and reliability of modern VLSI circuits and embedded systems, with expertise in CAD algorithms for automatic testing, diagnosis, verification, and resilient design, applicable to different hardware platforms (VLSI, SoCs, NoCs, on-chip multiprocessors).

Activities include hardware acceleration of domain-specific computing for real-time processing, with a broad range of applications such as computational intelligence and machine learning, computer vision, robotics and multimedia applications, bioinformatics and wearable biomedics and intelligent data processing.

Key equipment includes:

Mobile Communications & Networking Technologies

Mobile Communications & Networking Technologies examine the modelling, simulation, emulation and design of architectures, protocols, algorithms and technologies for next-generation communication systems (e.g. machine-to-machine, 5G systems, relaying, cognitive radio, optical/telecommunication networks), with a focus on communication theory, wireless communications and networking.

Key equipment includes:

Smart Buildings IoT

The Smart Buildings IoT platform supports the research and development of solutions related to monitoring and control of building systems, focusing on indoor environmental monitoring.

All available sensors communicate using the Z-WAVE protocol. The data are collected through a gateway and analyzed by the Domognostics platform and API. The sensors are installed within the KIOS Laboratory and are continuously monitoring the environmental conditions of the building.

The Smart Buildings IoT infrastructure is currently equipped with:

IT Infrastructure

The main IT infrastructure of KIOS CoE includes servers which are used to support, facilitate an implement all the research activities of the center.

The several types of physical or virtual servers are used to support the flow, storage, processing and analysis of research data. Additional servers or groups of personal computers connected in local networks are used for simulations covering demands such as MATLAB models, 3D Modeling, CFD calculations and machine learning models including deep learning.

Some of the servers include: