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Successful Outcomes


Successful Outcomes from research collaborations with Industry

Our innovation has been incorporated in advanced software platforms related to water management, road network data, and emergency response management. These systems assist the CIS stakeholders to enhance decision making processes within their operations, in an effort to make them more resilient and sustainable.

IP Commercialization​

We are working together with skilled and enthusiastic young entrepreneurs to secure funding for the creation of new startups to exploit the center’s research IP. Currently, we participate as a partner in five projects, which have received pre-seed funding through the “RESTART 2016-2020” Programmes for Research, Technological Development and Innovation (RTDI) of the Research and Innovation Foundation and the Cyprus Seeds nonprofit organization:

1) Air Quality Monitoring of Indoor Environments.

2) Web-based solution for real-time optimizing the operation of energy storage systems.

3) Intelligent swarm multi-drone platform for emergency response situations.

4) Preventing unattended data recording and leakage in smart devices.

5) Artificially Intelligent Real-Time Drone Monitoring Tactics to Safeguard Sensitive Facilities.