Water Systems Research Infrastructure

Water Systems
The Water Systems Research Infrastructure consists of an interconnected physical and virtual water transport system, that allow users to evaluate new monitoring, control algorithms and topologies, within a safe environment.
It supports research and innovation projects, as well as proof-of-concept/pilot outcomes and products, aiming to the improvement and the expansion of knowledge associated with the efficiency, the reliability and the security of smart water supply networks.
It is connected to a virtual part, which simulates a virtual city of 10,000 inhabitants, to capture in a realistic manner the variability on the demand related to water consumption.

Hardware Tests:
- Reproduce real events such as leakages, contaminations, sensor and actuator faults, cyber-physical attacks on PLCs, power losses, etc.
- Interoperability between the physical system and the simulated one
- Real-time control of the system
- Create benchmark datasets
- Automated network reconfiguration
- Install / remove sensors and actuators

Advanced Optimization Modeling and Simulations:
- Optimization models for water systems operation and losses reduction
- Development of leakage detection systems for supply and distribution networks
- System, sensor and actuator fault diagnosis
- Machine learning and deep learning for fault diagnosis
- Real-time state estimation and transportation network analysis
- Water quality state estimation, anomaly diagnosis by changing water quality dynamics
- Simulate effects on the water distribution network, when a failure propagates from a different critical infrastructure (power, telecommunication
- GIS-based system design and analytics.

Technology Validation Tests:
- Evaluation of different techniques and tools to detect and protect water infrastructures and their services from malicious cyberattacks, faults or accidents
- Examination of the security properties of the physical and virtual components of water infrastructures (PLC, actuators and sensors)
- Evaluation and validation of innovative monitoring solutions for water systems under realistic conditions
- Comparison and investigation of sensor characteristics and evaluation of new topologies, products and services
- Verification of results obtained in the software-based network simulation in a real hardware-based environment.

Dr. Demetris Eliades
Assistant Research Professor
For collaborations or request for the use of the Water Systems Research Infrastructure please send us an email.