Madiha Shahzad

Madiha Shahzad is a Research Associate at the KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence. She received BSc (first class) in Computer Science from the International Islamic University, Pakistan and MS (Distinction: Presidents Gold medal for Excellence) from the National University of Science and Technology, Pakistan. She was awarded a fully-funded PhD scholarship under the EU Asia-Link Programme from the University of the West of England, Bristol, UK. As part of the PhD, she worked at Motorola, UK and in 2012 completed her PhD titled, “Ambient Multicasting: Context-based service delivery to ad-hoc communities”, based on heterogeneous mobile networks. Her research interests include computer networks and protocols, with an emphasis on cellular networks and VANETs, ubiquitous computing, with an emphasis on design, architecture and applications and more recently her focus was on 5G networks and VANETS integration with respect to user experience.

Previously, she worked at University of the Central Lancashire, Cyprus, as Special Scientist and Associate Lecturer, at National University of Science and Technology, Pakistan, as Assistant Professor and at University of the West of England, UK, as a Research Associate. She has participated in various EU-funded research project and authored/co-authored numerous research publications.