Malloc: Preventing unattended data recordings and transmissions on smart devices

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The Malloc project aims to develop a software solution that protects users’ data by safeguarding their mobile devices against unauthorised or unattended data recordings or transmissions.

An ever-growing number of data leakages have been reported over the past few years. Many factors contribute to this phenomenon ranging from poor programming practices to intended but unjustified collection of data and their utilisation for marketing or other relevant purposes. Moreover, the interconnectivity of consumer devices, with mobile phones being prime devices in combination with the rise of value of data and their usage in recommendation and prediction algorithms and the rise in cyberthreats and cybercrime incidents increase further the potentials of data leakages. As a result, significant and rightful concerns with respect to data privacy risks have been raised across all socio economic and technological domains.

The Malloc software is a highly innovative solution that combines state-of-the-art cyber security principles with intelligent machine learning algorithms to detect such unattended attempts in real-time.

In addition, through this project, Malloc LIMITED is established as a new dynamic start-up company, with its purpose to develop and commercialise a technology solution that enables end users to have full control over their data and their dissemination.

The project’s partnership consists of the KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence at the University of Cyprus and the newly established start-up company Malloc LTD.

The project is funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU.

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