Experts on Intelligent Transportation Systems Data Standards hosted at KIOS premises

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The KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence hosted 20 experts from Europe, UK, and Cyprus for a series of meetings on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Data Standards, as part of the pan-European project “National Access Point Coordination Organisation for Europe” (NAPCORE). The meetings took place from 18-21 September 2023, at the KIOS premises.

The meetings revolved around two important CEN Data Standards:  the TN-ITS (CEN/TS 17268), which focuses on the exchange of road attributes, with an emphasis on static road data and the DATEX II (CEN/TS 16157), which concerns an electronic language used in Europe for sharing traffic information and data.

During the meetings, participants discussed ways to improve data quality and trust within the TN-ITS data chain, with KIOS taking the lead in proposing methodologies and tools to enhance data quality and trustworthiness. Subsequently, they discussed the merge of the two Standards TN-ITS and DATEX II, which will contribute to the digital transformation of the transportation sector in Europe. Finally, participants, discussed, among others, technical aspects related to the new integration of data, as a result of the merge of the two Standards.

The meetings took place in Cyprus, within the context of the pan-European project “National Access Point Coordination Organisation for Europe” (NAPCORE), supported by the European Commission and funded under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF). NAPCORE aims to harmonize mobility data platforms (National Access Points) across Europe, following the legal framework of the EU ITS Directive and relevant Delegated Regulations. The KIOS CoE, in partnership with the Public Works Department (PWD) of the Ministry of Transport Communication and Works, represents Cyprus in this initiative.