KIOS Director Marios Polycarpou wins a prestigious award from the IEEE for his innovative research work in Artificial Intelligence

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Marios Polycarpou, Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Director of the KIOS Center of Excellence at the University of Cyprus, wins the prestigious 2023 IEEE Frank Rosenblatt Technical Field Award, for his “pioneering contributions to the theory and application of neural networks and learning systems in monitoring and control systems”. Professor Polycarpou is the first researcher from Cyprus, who receives this outstanding distinction, and this is a great honor for himself, for Cyprus, and the entire academic community in Cyprus.

The Frank Rosenblatt Technical Field Award was established by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) in 2004, in honor of Frank Rosenblatt, who is regarded as one of the founders of neural networks. This annual award is given to internationally recognized scientists/researchers (view past award recipients here) who contributed significantly to the advancement of the design, practice, techniques or theory in biologically and linguistically motivated computational paradigms including but not limited to neural networks, connectionist systems, evolutionary computation, fuzzy systems, and hybrid intelligent systems in which these paradigms are contained.

Prof. Polycarpou’s research work is focused on intelligent monitoring and control in several application domains, such as water distribution networks, power and transportation systems, smart buildings, etc. His work on neural networks-based adaptive control methods has transformed the field and opened new ways for designing neural control schemes with learning capabilities for uncertain dynamical systems. In 1994, he developed an entirely new approach to using a learning systems methodology in fault diagnosis. His approach is now being used in cyber-physical systems, where faults can significantly affect their operation and performance.

University of Cyprus Professor Polycarpou will receive the award at the 2023 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2023), which will be held in Queensland, Australia, from 18-23 June 2023.

Prof. Tasos Christofides, Rector of the University of Cyprus, congratulated Professor Marios Polycarpou on this distinction: “Marios is a valuable member of our community. While we are aware of his immense contribution to his scientific field of expertise, this international award is yet another recognition of the impact he has had. We are proud as our people, our academics, and researchers, are actively participating in the European Research Area and are contributing with their innovative applications to societal development. Being the Director of the KIOS Research and Innovation Centre of Excellence, Marios has built a dynamic research team that has a lot to offer both locally and internationally”.

More information about the award: