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New EU funded projects to address significant research challenges of global importance.


The KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence at the University of Cyprus has been awarded 3 new EU funded projects to address important research challenges related to cancer monitoring and therapy, security of health data, and border surveillance. Through these projects new technology and pioneering methods will be developed and are expected to have significant economic and social impact regionally and globally.

The first vanguard project, entitled “GLADIATOR” aims to develop a comprehensive theranostic (therapeutic+diagnostic) solution for brain malignancies by using life sciences, bio–nanotechnology, engineering and information communication technologies (ICT). It is expected that the project’s results will substantially improve patient prognosis and prolong survival by minimizing recurrences and reducing drug toxicity. Improved health, extended life expectancy and productivity, reduced sick-leaves, shorter hospitalizations, reduced return visits, less personnel and caregiver involvement will also have a positive effect on the already overstrained healthcare systems. This project is funded by the EU’s HORIZON 2020 research and innovation program and more specficially by the funding allocated to support projects that contribute to Future and Emerging Technologies (FET). This is the first FET project where Cyprus is the coordinator.

The second EU Horizon 2020 project, is entitled “seCUre and pRivate hEalth data eXchange” (CUREX) and addresses comprehensively the protection of the confidentiality and integrity of health data by producing a novel, flexible and scalable situational awareness-oriented platform. Utilizing the results that will stem from the implementation of CUREX, patients’ privacy will be safeguarded and this subsequently will increase their trust in the currently vulnerable critical healthcare information infrastructures, especially in cases where data is exchanged among healthcare stakeholders within any business, operational and systemic cross-border environments. Furthermore, CUREX will help healthcare institutions to: (i) assess and address their cybersecurity and privacy risks with regards to the efficient, accurate, and effective exchange of health data and (ii) enhance the cybersecurity and privacy awareness among the organization’s personnel.

The third project is entitled “CoopERation for incrEased siTuational Awareness establishment” (CERETAB) and aims to support the improvement of border surveillance by enhancing cooperation between Greece and Cyprus. Both states, over the recent years, have suffered from heavy irregular migration attempts via the Mediterranean Sea, as well as cross-border crime. This project will focus on utilizing new, state-of-the-art border surveillance technologies, such as the deployment of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UASs) that will facilitate information exchange, and significantly enhance border monitoring and security.

The outcomes of “CERETAB” project will further facilitate the establishment of a secure information exchange network between the two countries. Moreover, it can potentially be adopted by other countries as well as to empower close border monitoring and prevention of irregular migration activities and cross-border crime, currently affecting all EU countries.

The KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence at the University of Cyprus coordinates the project “GLADIATOR” and participates as key partner in the projects “CUREX” and “CERETAB”.

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