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Seminar: Cyprus Road Safety Programme

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The Public Works Department (Ministry of Transport, Communications and Works), in collaboration with the KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence, and the Scientific Technical Chamber of Cyprus (ETEK), organize a seminar on “Cyprus Road Safety Programme”.

The seminar will take place on Thursday, 10 March 2022, at 8:30am, in Amphitheater LRC012 located at the Learning Resource Centre UCY Library “Stelios Ioannou”, University of Cyprus.

The event will include presentations by road safety specialists from Cyprus and the European Union, who will talk about road safety challenges, the European Investment Bank’s support for transport investment in Cyprus, and the outcomes of the safe system approach which was applied to the Cyprus road network.

Kindly note that the presentations will be in English. You can find more information about the seminar and the agenda here.

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