9th International Conference on Critical Information Infrastructures Security (CRITIS 2014)

9th International Conference on Critical Information Infrastructures Security (CRITIS 2014), October 13-15 , 2014, Limassol, Cyprus

CRITIS 2014 continues a well-established tradition of successful annual conferences to be held in Cyprus this year. The international conference brings together researchers and professionals from academia, industry and governmental organizations working in the field of the security of critical infrastructure systems.

Modern society relies on the availability and smooth operation of a variety of complex engineering systems. These systems are termed Critical Infrastructure Systems (CIS). Some of the most prominent examples of critical infrastructure systems are electric power systems, telecommunication networks, water distribution systems, transportation systems, wastewater and sanitation systems, financial and banking systems, food production and distribution, and oil/natural gas pipelines. Our everyday life and well-being depend heavily on the reliable operation and efficient management of these critical infrastructures. Citizens expect that critical infrastructure systems will always be available and that, at the same time, they will be managed efficiently (i.e., they will have a low cost). Experience has shown that this is most often true. Nevertheless, critical infrastructure systems fail occasionally. Their failure may be due to natural disasters (e.g., earthquakes and floods), accidental failures (e.g., equipment failures, software bugs, and human errors), or malicious attacks (either direct or remote). When critical infrastructures fail, the consequences are tremendous. These consequences may be classified into societal, health, and economic.

For more information on the Conference and Call for Papers please refer to the following link:
