Distinguished International Award for KIOS Researcher Markos Asprou

Research to improve the performance of power distribution systems and potentially bringing a reduction in the cost of electricity for consumers.

Markos Asprou, a Ph.D. student at the University of Cyprus and a researcher at the KIOS Research Center for Intelligent Systems and Networks, has received a prestigious international award which is given to a select number of graduate students each year. The Graduate Fellowship Award is given by the Instrumentation and Measurement Society (http://ieee-ims.org/) of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). The selection process for this award is extremely competitive, with large numbers of applications being received from student members of the IEEE around the world. This year, the award was given to 3 candidates only. The other two candidates selected for the award, originate from universities in the USA.

The award comes in the form of grant to the value of 15,000.00 dollars, to undertake important research in the area of Instrumentation and Measurement. This is a significant recognition of the quality and level of research being undertaken by Markos Asprou at the KIOS Research Center for Intelligent Systems and Networks of the University of Cyprus.

In his research proposal, Markos Asprou focused on the optimization of electric power systems and the improvement of their performance through better monitoring systems. More specifically, Markos’ award will support research to develop a concrete and robust methodology for identifying and estimating the erroneous transmission line parameters that are stored in the database of the control centers of electric utilities. The errors in the line parameters may be due to obsolete databases, inaccurate data, or changes in the properties of the lines after repairs. This is an important research area with the potential to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of power distribution systems, avoiding unnecessary failures, as well as potentially reducing electricity costs for consumers.

Markos Asprou obtained his B.Sc. Degree at the University of Cyprus, where he is currently pursuing his PhD degree. His work is supervised by Professor Elias Kyriakides, Assistant professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the University of Cyprus and founding member of the KIOS Research Center for Intelligent Systems and Networks. Distinguished International Award for KIOS Researcher Markos Asprou Article in Paideianews, Cyprus, 07/10/13.

Distinguished International Award for KIOS Researcher Markos Asprou