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High-profile visit from the European Commission at the KIOS Center of Excellence

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A delegation from the European Commission visited the KIOS Center of Excellence at the University of Cyprus, on the 21st of October 2022. The purpose of the visit was for the delegation to be informed about the research and innovation activities undertaken at the Center and their contributions towards achieving key EU priorities and the global sustainable development goals.

The delegation comprised the Head of Sector, Widening Programming, DG R&I, Mr. Stefan Weiers, the Head of Department, European Research Executive Agency, Mrs. Minna Wilkki, the Head of Sector, Widening Participation Unit, European Research Executive Agency, Mr. Patricio Ortiz De La Torre, and the Deputy Head of Unit for Widening Participation, European Research Executive Agency, Mrs. Federica Roffi. Their visit to the Center was in the framework of their official visit to Cyprus for the 1st European Teaming Conference, organized by the Cyprus Deputy Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digital Policy.

The delegation was welcomed by the KIOS CoE Director, Prof. Marios Polycarpou, who briefly presented KIOS research activities and future priorities. He also referred to the opportunities that arise from the Center’s partnership agreement with Imperial College London, the collaborations with the industry, and the continuous development of technological tools to support national authorities in addressing the COVID-19 pandemic challenges. Finally, reference mas made to the KIOS’ participation in several national projects, under the Cyprus Recovery and Resilience Plan.

Prof. Polycarpou’s presentation was followed by a discussion with the EU representatives as well as by a visit at the KIOS research facilities, where guests had the opportunity to meet with researchers and discuss how their research work supports the green and digital evolution of critical infrastructures. KIOS researchers demonstrated technologies aiming inter alia to facilitate the penetration of renewables in electricity grids and buildings, to eliminate and prevent traffic congestion within large-scale urban areas, and to reduce water losses and mitigate cyber-physical attacks within water distribution systems. Furthermore, guests were informed about the emergency response technologies developed at KIOS, that are currently being used by first responders in emergency and crises situations.

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