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Presentation of the CybPhys Project to EAC stakeholders

CybPhys project presentation

The KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence and the Electricity Authority of Cyprus (EAC) have joined forces and are currently undertaking joint initiatives, research and innovation actions that will contribute to the modernisation of the Cyprus power system. The aim is to conduct novel research that will contribute to the development and deployment of innovative solutions that will guide in the green and digital transition of the state’s energy system. During the annual workshop, which took place on November 25th 2022, the KIOS CoE research team shared with EAC stakeholders the research outcomes of a total of eight research projects undertaken by the KIOS CoE between 2021 and 2022.

Development of practically oriented student-centred education in Cyber Physical Systems (CyberPhys) was one of the projects discussed during the annual workshop where EAC interested stakeholders became acquainted with novel initiatives undertaken to modernize curricula in CyberPhysical Systems in three Higher Education Institutions in Ukraine. The KIOS CoE research team demonstrated initiatives undertaken, along with an extended pool of European and Ukrainian HEIs, to introduce new innovative educational programmes driven by labour market needs. CybPhys aims to introduce new methods for student training and teaching, which will contribute to the modernization of educational materials in energy-saving and energy-efficient technologies in various areas. The KIOS CoE is contributing to the projects by leading all Quality Assurance indicators to ensure the delivery of high-quality educational programmes, training workshops and other educational materials.

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