GLADIATOR: Novel Technologies for cancer monitoring and therapy


The KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence at the University of Cyprus is coordinating a large innovating project entitled “GLADIATOR”. This project aims to develop a vanguard and comprehensive theranostic (therapeutic+diagnostic) solution for brain malignancies by using life sciences, bio–nanotechnology, engineering and information communication technologies (ICT).

Currently, highly complex malignancies such as brain tumors, have a very grim prognosis, despite recent progress in their treatment and management. GLADIATOR envisions to establish a radical long-term vision leading to a drastic change in cancer monitoring and therapy. It will usher a paradigm shift in Oncology, with the introduction of “bio-nano-machine diagnostics”, and stimulate the implementation of the “Internet of Nano-bio-things”, leading to technological and clinical developments with high socioeconomic impact.

Specifically, GLADIATOR will provide, for the first time, a working prototype of a complete, autonomous and clinically applicable, nanonetwork-based, theranostic system based on the conceptual framework of Externally Controllable Molecular Communications (ECMC). Molecular Communications is the emerging discipline of exploring the transmission of encoded messages via molecular channels in solutions, cells or entire living organisms. Such systems can even form networks of bio-nano-machines which, when externally controlled, can be interrogated to extract information on the status of the system but also manipulated to affect its operational state.

It is expected that the project’s results will substantially improve patient prognosis and prolong survival by minimizing recurrences and reducing drug toxicity. Improved health, extended life expectancy and productivity, reduced sick-leaves, shorter hospitalizations, reduced return visits, less personnel and caregiver involvement will also have a positive effect on the already overstrained Health Care Systems.

Moreover, the innovative biological and nanotechnology-based innovations, development methods, computational and analytical tools advanced through GLADIATOR, are expected to have significant economic impact since they can enter into significant market segments as indicated by global market projections and underlying drivers.

In addition to the University of Cyprus which is the coordinator of the project, six partners are participating in this project: The Fraunhofer IBMT from Germany, the University of Oulou from Finland, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, the Waterford Institute of Technology from Ireland, the University of Osaka from Japan and the EPOS-IASIS R&D LtD from Cyprus.

The project has received funding from the European Union’s Call “Future and Emerging Technologies-Open: Novel Ideas for radically new technologies”. The research team in Cyprus is led by Professor Costas Pitris and is complemented by Dr. Andreani Odysseos.

Project’s website:

This Project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No.828837

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