OneNet Project: One Electrical Network Infrastructure for Europe


The project OneNet aims at creating the conditions for a new generation of grid services able to fully exploit demand response, storage and distributed generation while creating fair, transparent and open conditions for the consumer. These needs are more profound today, as the electrical grid is moving from being a fully centralized to a highly decentralized system. In this new changing environment grid operators must adapt and adjust their current business model to accommodate faster reactions and adaptive flexibility. This is an unprecedented challenge requiring an unprecedented solution. For this reason, the two major associations of grid operators in Europe, ENTSO-E and EDSO, have activated their members to put together a unique consortium. Although, several European projects have tried to address related issues OneNet’s scope and size are unparalleled.

The main objectives of the project can be summarized in three main pillars: 1) Definition of a common market design for Europe having standardized products and key parameters for grid services that aim at the coordination of all actors, from grid operators to customers; 2) Definition of a Common IT Architecture and Common IT Interfaces enabling an open architecture of interactions among several platforms so that anybody can join any market across Europe; 3) Large-scale demonstrators to implement and showcase the scalable solutions developed throughout the project. These demonstrators are organized in four geographical clusters (Northern, Southern, Western and Eastern) that encompass countries in every region of Europe.

The OneNet project has a consortium of more than 70 partners with a total budget of over 28 million Euro. The coordinator of the project is Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology (FIT), while KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence is actively participates in OneNet being the leader of the demo that will be implemented in Cyprus as part of the Southern Cluster demo. In the Cypriot demo, both Transmission and Distribution System Operator of Cyprus are involved.

Project’s website:

The project OneNet (One Network for Europe) is funded through the EU’s eighth Framework Programme Horizon 2020. It is titled TSO – DSO Consumer: Large-scale demonstrations of innovative grid services through demand response, storage and small-scale (RES) generation and responds to the call “Building a low-carbon, climate resilient future (LC)”.


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