Projects KIOS

SESAME project: Development of Safe and Secure Multi-Robot Systems

The SESAME EU project aims to develop a new generation of Multi-Robot Systems (MRS), utilizing AI/ML among other approaches, to design dependable and secure multi-robot systems for key European sectors including Healthcare, Manufacturing, Agri-food, and Infrastructure Inspection. Currently, MRS play a significant role in missions ranging from precision agriculture and fast delivery of medical samples […]

SESAME project: Development of Safe and Secure Multi-Robot Systems Read More »

Smart5Grid Project: Demonstration of 5G solutions for SMART energy GRIDs of the future

The Smart5Grid research project aims at developing 5G solutions for building innovative and high performance smart grids able to feature online monitoring data and enable efficient, fast, and secure operation. Up-to-now, the main discussion for 5G has been to support the next wave of smart grid features and efficiency at the behind-the-meter level, by integrating

Smart5Grid Project: Demonstration of 5G solutions for SMART energy GRIDs of the future Read More »

GLADIATOR: Novel Technologies for cancer monitoring and therapy

The KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence at the University of Cyprus is coordinating a large innovating project entitled “GLADIATOR”. This project aims to develop a vanguard and comprehensive theranostic (therapeutic+diagnostic) solution for brain malignancies by using life sciences, bio–nanotechnology, engineering and information communication technologies (ICT). Currently, highly complex malignancies such as brain tumors,

GLADIATOR: Novel Technologies for cancer monitoring and therapy Read More »

ReCharged: Resilience for Sustainable Critical and Interdependent Infrastructure Systems enhanced by emerging Digital Technologies

ReCharged is a transformative MSCA-funded project that aims to develop a practical visualisation platform for optimisation and streamlining of climate resilience and whole-life carbon emission assessments for interdependent Transport, Energy, Systems, Lifelines, and Assets (iTESLA). To achieve this, ReCharged harnesses the power of digital technologies and data to quantify the functionality and recovery of iTESLA

ReCharged: Resilience for Sustainable Critical and Interdependent Infrastructure Systems enhanced by emerging Digital Technologies Read More »

INVERGE: An intelligent INVERter at the grid edGE for future power systems

The overall objective of the INVERGE project is to establish a new research framework for a novel inverter-centric approach to enable the sustainable evolution of power systems and enhance the efficiency, power quality, and utilization of future power grids. Decarbonization of the energy sector is a key driver towards a sustainable development. For this reason,

INVERGE: An intelligent INVERter at the grid edGE for future power systems Read More »

R²D²: Reliability, Resilience and Defense technology for the EU griD

R²D² is an Innovation Action project, funded by the Horizon Europe programme, that aims to improve the resilience and reliability of current Electrical Power and Energy Systems (EPES) in Europe, against a growing number of threats and vulnerabilities, such as faults, intermittent generation, operational errors, extreme weather events, etc. This will be achieved through the

R²D²: Reliability, Resilience and Defense technology for the EU griD Read More »

intoDBP: Innovative tools to improve water quality management for safe human use

intoDBP is an EU-funded project that will develop, test, scale-up, validate, and benchmark innovative tools and strategies to improve water quality management for safe human use and a healthy environment. It focuses on catchment protection and forecasting, transformative drinking water treatment, and real-time monitoring to combat the effects of climate and global change. In particular,

intoDBP: Innovative tools to improve water quality management for safe human use Read More »

HVDC-WISE: Acceleration of integration of renewables into the European transmission system

The innovative research project entitled “HVDC-WISE” (High-Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) technology), funded by the EU’s Horizon Europe program and the UK Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Guarantee scheme, aims to design reliable and resilient power transmission grids to accelerate the integration of renewables across Europe and UK. The European Commission has defined plans for the

HVDC-WISE: Acceleration of integration of renewables into the European transmission system Read More »

TRANSIT: Transition to a Sustainable Future through Training and Education

TRANSIT (TRANSITion to sustainable future through training and education) is a project funded by the European Union under the program Horizon Europe and UK Research and Innovation Horizon Europe Guarantee scheme that aims to provide sustainable training and re-skilling programmes for current and future generations on a multidisciplinary approach in renewable energy. Through support measures

TRANSIT: Transition to a Sustainable Future through Training and Education Read More »

ACTING project: Advanced Cybersecurity training

The ACTING (Advanced European platform and network of Cybersecurity training and exercises centres) research project aims to strengthen proactive cyber defense operators training exercises of the European Union through effective and efficient multi-domain collaboration and the development of advanced technologies. This includes developing a network of advanced interconnected (federated) domain-oriented cyber ranges for training and

ACTING project: Advanced Cybersecurity training Read More »

COLLARIS Network: COLLaborative network on unmanned AeRIal Systems

COLLARIS (COLLaborative network on unmanned AeRIal Systems) is a capacity-building initiative to develop a sustainable European network of scientific, engineering, and end-user expertise related to unmanned aerial systems (UAS) in civil protection and disaster response. COLLARIS covers the following thematic focus areas: identification and sharing of operational procedures, lessons learnt, and best practices using UAS

COLLARIS Network: COLLaborative network on unmanned AeRIal Systems Read More »

LEMUR: Innovative research and training to shape next generation AI technologies

LEMUR is an MSCA (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions) Doctoral Network (DN) program, which offers innovative training and research to shape key Artificial Intelligent (AI) technologies of the present and the future with strong technological, scientific, economical, and societal impact. The objective of Doctoral Networks is to implement doctoral programs by partnerships of organizations from different sectors

LEMUR: Innovative research and training to shape next generation AI technologies Read More »

SIEQUA-CERT: Intelligent Decision Support System for Sustainable Indoor Environment

The SIEQUA-CERT (Real-time monitoring and actionable decision support for Sustainable Indoor Environment Quality Certification) project aims to develop a web-based actionable decision support system, that combines real-time monitoring of Indoor Environment Quality (IEQ) and a quantifiable impact metric on occupants’ health. These solutions will improve the health of occupants in the indoor spaces. One of

SIEQUA-CERT: Intelligent Decision Support System for Sustainable Indoor Environment Read More »

CONTROL4COVID: Intelligent Emergency Information Management Platform for Controlling COVID-19

The main objective of the CONTROL4COVID project is the development and commercial exploitation of an innovative product to address the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences, by offering a complete platform which integrates the major stakeholders in a secure and reliable way, as well as the scientific community to help build a state-of-the-art decision support system

CONTROL4COVID: Intelligent Emergency Information Management Platform for Controlling COVID-19 Read More »

Malloc: Preventing unattended data recordings and transmissions on smart devices

The Malloc project aims to develop a software solution that protects users’ data by safeguarding their mobile devices against unauthorised or unattended data recordings or transmissions. An ever-growing number of data leakages have been reported over the past few years. Many factors contribute to this phenomenon ranging from poor programming practices to intended but unjustified

Malloc: Preventing unattended data recordings and transmissions on smart devices Read More »

MARI-Sense: Maritime Cognitive Decision Support System

The MARI-Sense project aims at developing the MARI-Sense Cognitive Decision Support System for the planning of maritime activities such as tracking surface vehicles, autonomous identification of polluting vessels, detection of swimmers and divers, and optimization of maritime spaces, amongst others. Sustaining the high activity levels of maritime and coastal tourism and maritime transport and shipping

MARI-Sense: Maritime Cognitive Decision Support System Read More »