The Cyprus Employers and Industrialists Federation (OEB) is a Pancyprian independent organisation comprising of 58 of the main professional/ sectoral Associations as well as hundreds of companies from the Manufacturing, Services, Commercial, Construction and Agricultural Sectors. In total, OEB has more than 5.000 Member/Enterprises. Its members are active in all sectors of the economy and employ more than 60% of the private sector’s workforce.

The Head of Energy and Environment Division (Mrs Anthi Charalambous) has been coordinator in many EU co-funded projects and has participated as project manager in more than 25. All the professional associations dealing with energy issues operate under the umbrella of OEB. OEB has establish an Energy Committee which deals with all energy and environment issues with representatives from all relevant stakeholders in Cyprus. Besides the project implementation, OEB can also contribute to the dissemination of the project results to all its members. OEB is the organizer of the very important annual event the save energy exhibition and conferences for the last 12 years. The exhibition «SAVENERGY» has become the most important trade event in Cyprus which deals with the promotion of energy-saving products and services and renewable energy technologies, with high traffic exposure (over 25,000 people). OEB has been the pioneer in issuing the “OIKOENIMEROSI” magazine, with informative, scientific, current trends and policy topics in the field of energy and the environment which has been distributed to all its members. Currently OEB has created an energy portal and informative portal