The Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority (CERA) was established by Law (Law No. 122(I)/2003) in 2003 and it is an independent authority responsible for the Electricity and Natural Gas Markets in Cyprus, reporting to the President of the Republic. CERA oversees and regulates the market for electricity and gas, ensures the effective and fair competition, protects the interests of consumers, ensures safety, quality, competence, continuity, reliability in energy supply and encourages the use of RES. CERA undertakes various initiatives that regulate and oversee the energy market in Cyprus in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Cyprus and the European directives.
Amongst other, emphasis is given by CERA on the promotion of the efficient use of energy, on measures for conserving energy, on the use of RES and, on the encouragement of research and development in energy matters. Towards attaining these goals and in order to discharge its legal obligations, CERA promotes close international cooperation within the framework of European programmes concerning the energy sector. In particular, CERA is participating and has been approved for funding by the European Union in several programmes.
Relevant publications
1. A. Poullikkas, S. Papadouris, G. Kourtis, I. Hadjipaschalis, “Storage solutions for power quality problems of the distribution network”, 2nd Conference on Power Options for the Mediterranean Region, 2013.
2. A. Poullikkas, “An optimization model for the integration of renewable technologies in power generation systems”, World Renewable Energy Congress 2011, Sweden, 2011.
Relevant projects/activities
- STORIES – Addressing barriers to STORage technologies for increasing the penetration of Intermittent Energy Sources, Intelligent Energy for Europe, Amount: €951,545. Nov. 2007-Apr. 2010.
- DISTRES – Promotion and Consolidation of all RTD Activities for Renewable Distributed Generation Technologies in the Mediterranean Region, FP6, Amount: €1,075,484. Jan. 2007-DEC. 2009.
- Smart PV – Smart net metering for promotion and cost-efficient grid integration of PV technology in Cyprus, LIFE+ programme, Amount: €1,219,838. Jul. 2013-Mar. 2017.