This WP includes all necessary activities for the implementation of the EMPOWER dissemination and communication strategy described in detail in Section B3.2. Targeted dissemination activities of this WP provide important support to the objectives of the project and contribute significantly to achieving the targets of the exploitation activities (see Section B3.1 and WP8). The importance of communicating the project outcomes and software tools to the scientific community and the general public is recognized, and several actions and mechanisms will be put in place to achieve this. To accomplish the objectives of WP2, a Dissemination and Communication Manager will be appointed. This staff member will be from UCY.
The target audiences include: the international scientific community; the general public; the main energy stakeholders in Cyprus and international; and relevant research and industrial consortia, networking communities, and projects.
This WP will be led by CEA with contributions from all partners.
D2.1: Dissemination Strategy and Action Plan (UCY – Month 6 draft version; Month 44 final version) – Completed
D2.2: Visual identity and online presence (UCY – Month 6) – Completed Provides the project logo, link to the web site and social media presence and statistics of visitors.
D2.3: Outreach to the general public (UCY – Month 18 draft version; Month 44 final version) – Completed
Includes the material for the general public (newspaper articles, press releases, flyers, posters).
D2.4: Report on the workshops (UCY – Month 44) – Completed
Includes the program, presentations and photographs from these events.
D2.5: Report on the special sessions and international workshop (UCY – Month 44) – Completed
Includes the program and technical presentations.
D2.6: Report for scientific publications and dissemination material (UCY – Month 18 draft version; Month 44 final version) – Completed
Includes journal and conference publications, presentations, flyers, posters, and e-newsletter.
Timing and role of partners
Months: 1-44
WP Leader: CEA
WP Participants: UCY, TSOC, EAC, Phoebe, CERA, DT, TPAD, OEB, MCIT